Sunday 2 March 2014

The Orange Lipstick Trend

Recently I've seen a huge influx of posts on orange lipstick and, much to my beady little eyes delight, it's said to be a key makeup trend for Spring. I have loved orange lipstick for a long time, I would say I bought my first real orange lipstick around two years ago and I feel it gives a really striking look and if I had the choice between a classic red shade and an orange, 9 times out of 10 I'd choose the orange. I wanted to give this blog post a really good title but couldn't think of anything, I asked my mum and she suggested 'Juicy Orange' so it's safe to say I stuck with 'The Orange Lipstick Trend'.

I have several lipsticks that have an orange hue to them but only have two that I feel are true oranges: Mac's Morange and Topshop's Infrared which I'm going to talk more about below. Unfortunately, two of my other true orange shades that I own, Collection's Orange Punch and Louise Gray for Topshop's Mexican Wave, seem to be discontinued products so it would be unfair to post about them but if you ever manage to find them I suggest you get them! You can see a swatch of Orange Punch here and a swatch of Mexican Wave here.

Both Mac's and Topshops' offerings are incredibly bright and vibrant and so making them perfect to follow the orange lip trend. Mac lipsticks are priced at £15 and so if you are umming and aahing over whether to join in with the tangoed lip brigade it's probably not the wisest decision to dive in with this straight away especially as it's quite out-there in terms of drawing attention to your face. The Topshop lipstick is £8 and I seem to recall Zoella being a fan of this shade which, in the YouTube and Blogging world, translates to 'BUY IT, BUY IT NOW'. This would be a better starting point if you're new to orange lipstick as it isn't as opaque as Morange on initial application but can be built up,  it's also glossier making it less intense but is pretty much the same colour-wise. With these lipsticks you would be able to tone them down by patting them onto your lips if you don't want full on Wotsits lips just yet.

From left to right: Morange and Infrared

For Spring/Summer orange looks amazing to give a pop on colour on the lips and also looks amazing paired with a bronzed makeup look. When wearing blusher I feel orange lipstick looks best with coral/orange based shades, such as MUA's Lolly or the shade Crochet from Sleek's Blush by 3 Lace Palette, applied very lightly so as to not clash or try to overpower the lipstick.

From left to right: Lolly and Crochet

Do you often wear orange lipstick or do you think you're willing to give the trend a go?


  1. These are such stunning shades, but I would never think to wear orange lipstick to be fair. I may have a go with a pale/coral toned one first!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. They are so nice aren't they! You should give it a go sometime! But yeah I think easing yourself in with a less bright shade would be the best decision if you're unsure! x

  2. I would love to wear orange lips, but to be honest it kind of is intimidating. I own the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Rendevous which I've found as a subtle way to ease myself into orange. Opaque, matte lipsticks are just out of the question at the moment! x

    1. Yeah I know what you mean, when I first wore orange out in public I felt a bit scared of what people would think but once you do it a few times you sort of just forget it's on your lips! Ooh I just googled that balm stain, it looks like such a nice shade, really summery! Haha maybe in a few months?! x

  3. Ooh I really like the look of these lipsticks!
    But don't know if I would pull them off. xx

    1. They're so eye catching aren't they! I'm sure you would be able to! Give them a go sometime, or like a reddy orange if you're unsure! xx

  4. I have yet to jump on the bandwagon of the orange lipstick trend! But TopShop's infrared lipstick in on my extremely long wishlist though!

    Yet Another Makeup Blog.

    1. Haha jump on you won't regret it! Ooh dear don't get me started on my insanely long wishlists haha! x
